Back to Class


Tomorrow I will re-start in-person music programming with a childcare center in my town. It’s a couple of hours a week, but I am so excited. It’s been 16 weeks since I saw these kids; 16 weeks since I was in a classroom; and 16 weeks since I made music with anyone other than my family.

I just pulled my big, red, music bag out of the basement. Inside, it was filled with Dr. Seuss books, my Irish Tin Whistle, scarves, and other signs of March activities. My music bag will look a little different tomorrow. I’m filling it with egg shakers (easy to clean), 2 plastic bins (one for used shakers, one for sanitized shakers), disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizer, and a couple of sing-able stories.

We won’t be doing songs where we shake hands, or high-five our friends. We won’t practice sharing instruments; we won’t have helpers collecting them. But we will make music together. We will dance with joy. We will smile and be silly and celebrate being “together in music.” I can’t wait!


3 Music Options for 2020-2021


Mini Music Moment: I Can Do It